Source code for

# coding: utf-8

TensorFlow tools.

from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = []

import os
import warnings
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any
from tensorflow.core.framework.graph_pb2 import GraphDef

from cmsml.util import MockModule

tf = MockModule("tensorflow")

tf_cpp_log_levels = {
    "DEBUG": 0,
    "INFO": 1,
    "WARNING": 2,
    "ERROR": 3,

[docs]def import_tf( log_level: int | str = "WARNING", autograph_verbosity: int = 3, ) -> tuple[ModuleType, ModuleType | None, tuple[int]]: """ Imports TensorFlow and returns a 3-tuple containing the module itself, the v1 compatibility API (i.e. the TensorFlow module itself if v1 is the primarily installed version), and the package version as a 3-tuple containing integers. Example: .. code-block:: python tf, tf1, tf_version = import_tf() At some point in the future, when v1 support might get fully removed from TensorFlow 2 or higher, the second tuple element might be *None*. The verbosity of logs printed by TensorFlow and AutoGraph can be controlled through *log_level* and *autograph_verbosity*. """ # set the TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL before tf gets imported if log_level in tf_cpp_log_levels: os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = str(tf_cpp_log_levels[log_level]) import tensorflow as tf # set log and verbosity levels if log_level: tf.get_logger().setLevel(log_level) if autograph_verbosity >= 0: tf.autograph.set_verbosity(autograph_verbosity) # split the version into three parts tf_version = tuple(map(int, tf.__version__.split(".", 2))) # keep a reference to the v1 API as long as v2 provides compatibility tf1 = None if tf_version[0] == 1: tf1 = tf elif getattr(tf, "compat", None) and getattr(tf.compat, "v1", None): tf1 = tf.compat.v1 return tf, tf1, tf_version
[docs]def save_graph( path: str, obj: Any, variables_to_constants: bool = False, output_names: list[str] | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Deprecated. Please use :py:func:`save_frozen_graph`. """ warnings.warn( "save_graph() is deprecated, please use save_frozen_graph() instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return save_frozen_graph( path, obj, variables_to_constants=variables_to_constants, output_names=output_names, *args, **kwargs, )
[docs]def save_frozen_graph( path: str, obj: Any, variables_to_constants: bool = False, output_names: list[str] | None = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Extracts a TensorFlow graph from an object *obj* and saves it at *path*. The graph is optionally transformed into a simpler representation with all its variables converted to constants when *variables_to_constants* is *True*. The saved file contains the graph as a protobuf. The accepted types of *obj* greatly depend on the available API versions. When the v1 API is found (which is also the case when ``tf.compat.v1`` is available in v2), ``Graph``, ``GraphDef`` and ``Session`` objects are accepted. However, when *variables_to_constants* is *True*, *obj* must be a session and *output_names* should refer to names of operations whose subgraphs are extracted (usually just one). For TensorFlow v2, *obj* can also be a compiled keras model, or either a polymorphic or concrete function as returned by ``tf.function``. Polymorphic functions either must have a defined input signature (``tf.function(input_signature=(...,))``) or they must accept no arguments in the first place. See the TensorFlow documentation on `concrete functions <>`__ for more info. *args* and *kwargs* are forwarded to ``tf.train.write_graph`` (v1) or ```` (v2). """ tf, tf1, tf_version = import_tf() path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(str(path))) graph_dir, graph_name = os.path.split(path) # default as_text value kwargs.setdefault("as_text", path.endswith((".pbtxt", ".pb.txt"))) # convert keras models and polymorphic functions to concrete functions, v2 only if tf_version[0] != 1: from tensorflow.python.keras.saving import saving_utils from tensorflow.python.eager.def_function import Function from tensorflow.python.eager.function import ConcreteFunction if isinstance(obj, tf.keras.Model): learning_phase_orig = tf.keras.backend.get_value(tf.keras.backend.learning_phase()) tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase(False) model_func = saving_utils.trace_model_call(obj) if model_func.function_spec.arg_names and not model_func.input_signature: raise ValueError( "when obj is a keras model callable accepting arguments, its " "input signature must be frozen by building the model", ) obj = model_func.get_concrete_function() tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase(learning_phase_orig) elif isinstance(obj, Function): if obj.function_spec.arg_names and not obj.input_signature: raise ValueError( "when obj is a polymorphic function accepting arguments, its ", "input signature must be frozen") obj = obj.get_concrete_function() # convert variables to constants if variables_to_constants: if tf1 and isinstance(obj, tf1.Session): if not output_names: raise ValueError( "when variables_to_constants is true, output_names must " f"contain operations to export, got '{output_names}' instead", ) obj = tf1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants( obj, obj.graph.as_graph_def(), output_names, ) elif tf_version[0] != 1: from tensorflow.python.framework import convert_to_constants if not isinstance(obj, ConcreteFunction): raise TypeError( "when variables_to_constants is true, obj must be a concrete " f"or polymorphic function, got '{obj}' instead", ) obj = convert_to_constants.convert_variables_to_constants_v2(obj) else: raise TypeError( f"cannot convert variables to constants for object '{obj}', type not " f"understood for TensorFlow version {tf.__version__}", ) # extract the graph if tf1 and isinstance(obj, tf1.Session): graph = obj.graph elif tf_version[0] != 1 and isinstance(obj, ConcreteFunction): graph = obj.graph else: graph = obj # write it if tf_version[0] == 1: tf1.train.write_graph(graph, graph_dir, graph_name, *args, **kwargs) else:, graph_dir, graph_name, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def load_graph( path: str, create_session: bool | None = None, session_kwargs: dict | None = None, as_text: bool | None = None, ) -> tf.Graph | tuple[tf.Graph, tf.Session]: """ Deprecated. Please use :py:func:`load_frozen_graph`. """ warnings.warn( "load_graph() is deprecated, please use load_frozen_graph() instead", DeprecationWarning, ) return load_frozen_graph( path=path, create_session=create_session, session_kwargs=session_kwargs, as_text=as_text, )
[docs]def load_frozen_graph( path: str, create_session: bool | None = None, session_kwargs: dict | None = None, as_text: bool | None = None, ) -> tf.Graph | tuple[tf.Graph, tf.Session]: """ Reads a saved TensorFlow graph from *path* and returns it. When *create_session* is *True*, a session object (compatible with the v1 API) is created and returned as the second value of a 2-tuple. The default value of *create_session* is *True* when TensorFlow v1 is detected, and *False* otherwise. In case a session is created, *session_kwargs* are forwarded to the session constructor as keyword arguments when set. When *as_text* is either *True* or *None*, and the file extension is ``".pbtxt"`` or ``".pb.txt"``, the content of the file at *path* is expected to be a human-readable text file. Otherwise, it is read as a binary protobuf file. Example: .. code-block:: python graph = load_frozen_graph("path/to/model.pb", create_session=False) graph, session = load_frozen_graph("path/to/model.pb", create_session=True) """ tf, tf1, tf_version = import_tf() path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(str(path))) # default create_session value if create_session is None: create_session = tf_version[0] == 1 if create_session and not tf1: raise NotImplementedError( "the v1 compatibility layer of TensorFlow v2 is missing, " "but required by when create_session is True", ) # default as_text value if as_text is None: as_text = path.endswith((".pbtxt", ".pb.txt")) graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): graph_def = graph.as_graph_def() if as_text: # use a simple pb reader to load the file into graph_def from google.protobuf import text_format with open(path, "rb") as f: text_format.Merge(, graph_def) else: # use the gfile api depending on the TF version if tf_version[0] == 1: from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile with gfile.FastGFile(path, "rb") as f: graph_def.ParseFromString( else: with, "rb") as f: graph_def.ParseFromString( # import the graph_def (pb object) into the actual graph tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name="") if create_session: session = tf1.Session(graph=graph, **(session_kwargs or {})) return graph, session else: return graph
[docs]def load_graph_def( model_path: str, serving_key: str = tf.saved_model.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY, ) -> GraphDef: """ Loads the model saved at *model_path* and returns the GraphDef of it. Supported input types are tensorflow and keras SavedModels, as well as frozen graphs. """ tf, tf1, tf_version = import_tf() model_path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(str(model_path))) # if model_path is directory try load as saved model if os.path.isdir(model_path) and tf.saved_model.contains_saved_model(model_path): # if keras model try to load as keras model # else load as tensorflow saved model loaded_saved_model = load_model(model_path) # extract graph if serving_key not in loaded_saved_model.signatures: raise KeyError( f"no graph with serving key '{serving_key}' in model, " f"existing keys: {', '.join(list(loaded_saved_model.signatures))}", ) # loaded_saved_model.signatures[serving_key].function_def.node_def return loaded_saved_model.signatures[serving_key].graph.as_graph_def() # load as frozen graph if os.path.splitext(model_path)[1] == ".pb": # pb.txt pbtxt?? TODO with, "rb") as f: graph_def = tf.compat.v1.GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString( return graph_def raise FileNotFoundError(f"{model_path} contains neither frozen graph nor SavedModel")
[docs]def load_model(model_path: str) -> tf.Model: """ Load and return the SavedModel stored at *model_path*. If the model was saved using keras it will be loaded using keras SavedModel API, otherwise tensorflow's SavedModel API is used. """ tf, tf1, tf_version = import_tf() model_path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(str(model_path))) if os.path.isdir(model_path) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(model_path, "keras_metadata.pb")): model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_path) else: model = tf.saved_model.load(model_path) return model
[docs]def write_graph_summary( graph: tf.Graph, summary_dir: str, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Writes the summary of a *graph* to a directory *summary_dir* using a ``tf.summary.FileWriter`` (v1) or ``tf.summary.create_file_writer`` (v2). This summary can be used later on to visualize the graph via tensorboard. *graph* can be either a graph object or a path to a protobuf file. In the latter case, :py:func:`load_frozen_graph` is used and all *kwargs* are forwarded. .. note:: When used with TensorFlow v1, eager mode must be disabled. """ # prepare the summary dir if not os.path.exists(summary_dir): os.makedirs(summary_dir) # read the graph when a string is passed if isinstance(graph, str): graph = load_frozen_graph(graph, create_session=False, **kwargs) # further handling is version dependent tf, tf1, tf_version = import_tf() if tf_version[0] == 1: # switch to non-eager mode for the FileWriter to work eager = getattr(tf1, "executing_eagerly", lambda: False)() if eager: tf1.disable_eager_execution() # write to file writer = tf1.summary.FileWriter(summary_dir) writer.add_graph(graph) # reset the eager mode if eager: tf1.enable_eager_execution() else: # 2.X from tensorflow.python.ops import summary_ops_v2 as summary_ops # create the writer writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(summary_dir) # write the graph with writer.as_default(): summary_ops.graph(graph.as_graph_def()) # close writer.close()